
SWUFE数学讲坛185期:数据驱动的期权定价Data-Driven Option Pricing

发布时间:2024年09月23日 09:28 发布人:

主讲人:金含清 牛津大学教授

主持人:马敬堂 yh533388银河教授

时间:9291530 – 1630


主办单位:yh533388银河 科研处


金含清,博士,牛津大学教授,牛津大学NIE金融大数据实验室主任。主要从事金融统计、金融数学、行为金融学等方面的研究,在Journal of Economic TheoryMathematical FinanceSIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationMathematics of Operations ResearchTop期刊发表了数十篇高水平的论文,其中有多篇为被高引论文。担任多个金融数学Top期刊的编委。



We propose an innovative data-driven option pricing methodology that relies exclusively on the dataset of historical underlying asset prices. While the dataset is rooted in the objective world, option prices are commonly expressed as discounted expectations of their terminal payoffs in a risk-neutral world. Bridging this gap motivates us to identify a pricing kernel process, transforming option pricing into evaluation of expectations in the objective world. We recover the pricing kernel by solving a dynamic utility optimization problem whose optional wealth process is the reciprocal of the pricing kernel process, and evaluation expectations in terms of a functional optimization problem. Leveraging deep learning techniques, we design data-driven algorithms to solving over the dataset. Numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of our methodology. Our methodology sheds light on the derivatives pricing in emerging derivatives markets where no option data is available for calibration.
