
SWUFE数学讲坛183期:Optimal hedging strategies: operational flexibility versus financial instruments(最优对冲策略:运筹管理的灵活性还是使用金融工具)

发布时间:2024年09月11日 13:09 发布人:

主题:Optimal hedging strategies: operational flexibility versus financial instruments(最优对冲策略:运筹管理的灵活性还是使用金融工具)

主讲人:新南威尔士大学 Li Yang教授

主持人:数学学院  余喜生博士



主办单位:数学学院  科研处


Dr. Li Yang received her BSc and MSc from Tsinghua University and her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign, and later joined the University of New South Wales and served as the Head of School for the School of Banking and Finance at the UNSW Business School from 2019-2022. Li’s primary research interests include risk management, energy and commodity markets, and financial modelling.  She has published in leading journals in the field including Management Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Energy Economics.  She has been awarded two Australian Research Council Discovery grants and one ARC Linkage grant.


There are two streams of literature studying optimal hedging decisions. The literature in finance often examines firm’s hedging policies assuming that production decision has already been made. It mainly concentrates on managing the price risk that affects the variability of firm’s cash flows. On the other hand, in the management and operational research field, the literature considers that both production and hedging decisions are determined jointly so that some of risks can be managed through operational flexibility. Our paper takes advantages of two streams of literature and proposes a theoretical model to study optimal production and hedging decisions jointly for a multinational firm that faces exchange rate uncertainty and demand shocks for its products at different locations caused by the change in economy and regulatory policies. We then verify the implications empirically.

